O-week Clubs and Society EXPO
又要開學啦! 新的一年,讓我們一起迎接新的開始吧! 墨大臺灣社的第一個活動就在2月23號! 我們將在和UMSU聯合舉辦的O-week Clubs & Society Expo等你哦! 我們將在這天發放限量的Showbags給當天現場登記的會員們! 裡面有很多好康哦! 而且!會員們在這天來找我們將會得到Camp和Ball的優惠價哦! 還有! !會員還可以在現場向我們優先報名參加我們Week 1的免費Get To Know: Amazing Race活動哦! 2月23號當天我們會通知大家,墨大臺灣社被安排到的攤位! 而且!當天會大眾點評有贊助的抽獎活動,所以大家一定要來找我們玩哦! 以下是小編終結的一些重點: 為什麼要在這天來找墨大台灣社? - 2017年與墨大臺灣社的第一次接觸 - 當天登記的會員將得到限量的Showbag* - 會員可優先報名參加Get To Know: Amazing Race** - 會員將得到報名參加Camp和Ball的優惠價*** - 有大眾美食有贊助的抽獎活動 *Showbag數量有限 送完為止 **Get To Know報名表格將在23號活動結束後對外公佈,讓會員自行報名。 注:Get To Know活動人數有限,先報名先得。 ***Camp即將在3月10號舉辦,為期三天兩夜;而Ball將在4月13號舉辦。其他的詳細內容將在之後陸續通知大家 We are starting school again! In the new year, let's us welcome a new start together. MUTSA's first event will be on the 23rd of February! We will be waiting you at O-week Clubs & Society Expo which is jointly organised by MUTSA and UMSU. We will distribute limited amount of showbags to our new member that sign up on-site. There will be many goodies in the showbag! Also, member who show up on the day to find us will receive discount price for Ball and Camp! And more! Member can sign up on-site for the Week 1's free Get To Know:Amazing Race event! We will inform everyone the location of our booth on 23th February, so you are able to find us! Also! On the day, there will be luck draw, so make sure that you come and don't miss out the fun! Conclusion: Why should you visit MUTSA on the day? - First time connection with MUTSA in 2017 - Each member will receive a showbag*(limited amount), by signing up on-site - Member can have priority to sign up Get To Know: Amazing Race**
- Special deals for Camp and Ball*** - Lucky draw sponsored by 大眾點評 *Limited amount for showbag, distribute until it's out of stock **Get To Know sign up form will be release after the event on 23rd February for member to fill up themselves. PS: Limited space for Get To Know, first come first serve. ***Camp will be held on 3rd of March for 3Days 2 Night; Meanwhile Ball will be held on 13th April. Other information about Camp and Ball will slowly release to everyone.