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Promote Team

Activity Director : Pearlette

Hometown: Taiwan                      Studying course: Commerce

Promote Director : Betty Chen

Hello guys! I'm from Taiwan. Guess what are my hobbies ? sports! people don't believe it but it's true but i'm too lazy these days~


Hobbies included singing, movies, reading books, exploring the city and so on! Hope everyone can meet good friends or even a partner at our club and event!

Hobbies included singing, movies, reading books, exploring the city and so on! Hope everyone can meet good friends or even a partner at our club and event!

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Hometown: China, Xiamen 

Studying course: Science  

Name: Linna Ma
Name: Stanley Chan

Hometown: Hong Kong

Studying course: Architecture

Hi, I am Stanley. I'm studying architecture in University of Melbourne. I have been living in Melbourne, Hong Kong and Shenzhen. I really love Mutsa, and it has so much fun. Really looking forward to see you guys all.

Name: Steven Chen

Grew up in Tasmania. Hobbies include swimming, eating and playing LoL.
塔斯馬尼亞洲長大 喜歡游泳、亂吃東西&打英雄聯盟

Hometown: Taiwan

Studying course: Biomedicine 

Activity Director : Wendy Huang

Hi, my name is Wendy Huang and I'm half Taiwanese. I joined MUTSA for more than a year now and I fell in love with its ambience from the first day. That is the main reason I joined the committee; to transmit this friendliness and warmth to new members :) 

So what are you waiting for? Come join MUTSA to make new friends and discover Taiwanese culture ! :D 

Hobbies : Dancing, Baking and Traveling

Hometown: Mauritius                    Studying course: Commerce

Name: Emily Chou

I love meeting people and discovering new cultures. MUTSA is a great club that provides opportunity and good insight about each other. Just come along and join the club!

Hometown: Taiwan

Studying course: Arts

Name: Jason Chen

Half Taiwanese Half Chinese ABC. Likes Anime and kpop

Hometown: Auckland

Studying course: Science

Name: Fion Koh

I'm from Malaysia and currently studying at RMIT university. 

If you love meeting people and making new friends, this club is for you! 

Come and join us! 

Hometown: Malaysia

Studying course: Design

Name: Zhang Yan Yan

Handsome,smart,cute, adorable

Hometown: Malaysia

Studying course: Science

Name: Jocelyn Feng

I'm from Taipei, Taiwan Studying Marketing at RMIT....

Hometown: Taiwan

Studying course: Marketing

.... and I am Single 

Name: Choffie

Hi, I am Choffie and I'm a Taiwanese. I joined MUTSA starting from this semester and here is really a nice and friendly place which has so much fun. Come and join us to discover Taiwanese culture together!


 ​Hobbies : Playing Pipa( Chinese instrument), Cooking, Reading novels and Traveling

Hometown: Taiwan

Studying course: Commerce

Name: Wanyi Huang

Taiwanese, year 2 students, majoring in Accounting and finance

Hometown: Taiwan

Studying course:  Commerce

Name: Adrian Wong

Hometown: Malaysia

Studying course: Engineer

Hi guys. My name is Adrian. 
My hobby is shopping and cooking.

Name: Eric Wu

I love playing basketball... and girls..

Hometown: Taiwan

Studying course: Med

Name: Yu Chen Kuo (Fishy)

Currently studying in Unimelb Bachelor of commerce year 1 Major accounting and finance

Hometown: Taiwan

Studying course: Commerce


Few words to the members: 


Studying course:

Come and join us :)

President: Wendy Hung



After participating in MUTSA, I've met so many wonderful people from all around the world, and this is legit one of the best place to be! Come and join us to become a part of our big family, and experience some exciting and intriguing events

 Hometown: Taiwan                                                         Studying course: Commerce

Name: Andrew Wang

Hello, how is everyone going!! People are all really nice here so I decided to work with them to see how far we can go >:D.  I am a night person always stay up to do my works but feel like it is never going to end ; ;

Hometown: Taiwan

Studying course: Commerce

Name: Kevin Yuchen Ye

I am not who I used to be, but every day is one day closer to what, who and where I want to be.​​

Hometown: Sichuan, China

Studying course: Commerce

Vice President: Jennifer Sun


Hey guys! Welcome to Taiwanese student association! We are a passionate and multicultural club! Come join our event! Let's play together and make lots of friends together! We're all looking forward to see you in our event!

 Hometown: Taiwan                                                                  Studying course: Arts

Treasurer: Violet Lee


After joining MUTSA as a member, I had a lot of fun and made many friends during the events! So, welcome and join us in MUTSA to become part of our big and friendly family.

Hometown: Malaysia                                                           Studying course: Science

Secretary : Paul Chiu

大家好喔! 我來自香港的, 對台灣文化有著特殊的感情。喜歡台灣文化、台灣小食的你就應該來加入台灣社這個大家庭去感受這種情懷喇!

Hello everyone! I am a Hong Kong boy who has special feeling of Taiwanese culture. If you are the guy who love Taiwanese culture and cuisine, then you should join MUTSA to experience it.

 Hometown: Hong Kong                                                      Studying course: Science 

 歡迎想要了解台灣文化的朋友們加入我們, 讓我們一起同樂, 一起創造青春美好的大學回憶! 雖然這個社團是台灣社, 但在這邊有來自不同國家對台灣感興趣的人們, 不單單只是來自台灣的朋友喔~~

Welcome everyone who are interested in Taiwanese culture to join us and have fun together. Let us create unforgettable memories together through the events. Although this is Taiwanese Student Association, people who love Taiwan from all around the world have gathered together and create a diverse environment that everyone can enjoy.

Sponsor Director : Nancy Wu

​一個愛旅行的小吃貨 ♥

I love the feeling of being anonymous in a city I've never seen before!

A balance diet is dessert in each hand.

Single ♥

Hometown: Taiwan           Studying course: Commerce

general committee


Hometown: Taiwan              Studying course: Science

Sponsor Team

Activity Team

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