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中秋節烤肉 Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ

BBQ trailer!!

一年一度的中秋節來臨了! 中秋節就是要烤肉拉! 為了慶祝中秋節, MUTSA有準備豐富的BBQ+月餅+"小鮮肉"奶茶~ 還有不能錯過的小遊戲 :D 當天也有抽獎活動~~哎呦 不錯哦 地點:Flagstaff Garden

日期: 9月17號星期六 2pm-5pm 活動: 先玩小遊戲 再烤肉~ 價格: 會員早鳥票 $6 walk-in會員票 $8 非會員 $10 收費方式: (1) 現金MUTSA table at union house (星期二到星期四,12pm-2pm) (2) 轉帳BSB: 063238 Account number:010283897 p.s務必截圖轉帳訊息 要來參加的朋友們: 一定要填google from 來確保你們當天的食物呦! 有任何問題都可以私訊小編喔~ It's finally spring in Melbourne, and it's also that time to celebrate Mid-Autumn festival! Come celebrate with us this year and make some new friends at Flagstaff Garden! There will be plenty of bbq food, moon cakes, and milk tea provided! We will also be running team-based games, and there are awesome prizes that are up for grabs! This has to be the best way to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with friends, so don't hesitate and come and join us! Location: Flagstaff Gardens Date: Saturday 17th of September 2pm-5pm Activities: Games and BBQ at 4 Price: $6 early bird, $8 members walk-in, $10 non-members You can either find us around Union house 12-2pm Tuesday-Thursday to pay for cash, or you can bank transfer us with a screenshot attached, but make sure your name is clearly printed! Places are limited so make sure you sign up on the Google doc below to secure your spot! *Follow Our Instagram:mutsa_official* *Our wechat: Unimelbtsa*

-------------------------------------------------New update 29/09/2016-----------------------------------------------------

Our thanks bbq is finally published !!! Come and have a look :)

Thank you guys for coming, don't forget to say hi when you see us on the street :D

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