台灣青年大使座談會 Taiwanese Youth Ambassador Seminar
台灣青年大使座談會 以推動台灣與各國間之青年外交,並增進各國青年對台灣國情及文化之認識。2016年以「活力世代 友善臺灣」為主軸,期盼台灣青年朋友出國擴展視野,並宣介台灣致力於推動人道援助、公益慈善與永續發展之作為。 日期:9月8號 地點:Yasuo Hiroka Myer Room (Room 106 at Sidney Myer Asia Centre) 時間: 4pm-5pm 歡迎來自不同國家的朋友們~ 當天有精彩的舞蹈和武術表演 入場是免費的哦~ Taiwanese Youth Ambassador Seminar
Youth Ambassadors from the Republic of China (Taiwan) will come to Melbourne and hold a seminar on the theme ‘Dynamic Youth, Friendly Taiwan’ . They hope to introduce Taiwan to local community and know more about Australia, promoting cultural exchange between Taiwan and Australia. Date: 8th of September Time: 4-5pm Location: Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room (Room 106 at Sidney Myer Asia Centre) Come and enjoy martial arts and dance performances next Thursday afternoon! Entry is free and light refreshments will be provided. All welcome :)