Clubs Carnival
Clear your schedule clubsters, Clubs Carnival is coming! On Thursday of Week 5, South Lawn will transform into a myriad of stalls offering a range of foods, drinks, games and workshops that showcase all that our fabulous clubs have to offer. This will be the biggest Clubs Carnival ever, with a whopping 40 clubs registered to attend! Still not sure what clubs are about? Missed out on joining some awesome clubs during Mid-Year O-week? Looking for any excuse to skip that mundane tutorial for an afternoon of festivity? This is your opportunity to come see our amazing clubs and engage with them! A complete list of the clubs on show will be available soon! So come on down and join a club... or 10 at the UMSU Clubs and Societies Clubs Carnival!
今天有來墨大的朋友們~ 別忘了 來加memebrs找我們拿show bag
或者是買marche和Bond的早鳥票哦! 早鳥票只賣到今天兩點! 待會兒見😊
Don't forget we have a stall at clubs carnival today! Come to grab your show bags! And it's your last chance for early bird entry😊 see you soon!